Sunday 18 October 2009

It's a bit of a shame really.

It's been brought to my attention that anyone can read what I write on here, and anyone can turn my own words around and use them against me. This knowledge made me feel almost naked. You'll have noticed that I've changed the address of my blog and this might explain why. I've also been thinking long and hard about my scrapbooking and my blogging.

Why do you scrap? For me now it's almost like a diary of events, feelings, thoughts; a sort of how it is now. I always wrote a diary. I don't often open up to people and writing a diary was my way of getting the thoughts out of my head I suppose. Some people don't like their partners to do that, however, so I stopped and I think that scrapbooking has gradually taken its place. Scrapbooking started as a release of my creativity I think, and a way of showing off the photos of my gorgeous son. As I've become more and more confident about scrapping everyday things and with journaling so too has my scrapbooking evolved into something much more cathartic. Now it's a way of recording what I'm thinking and feeling as well as recording events and asides. ‘I’m not a robot’ would be case and point.

So I've been thinking about stopping the blog so that I can still scrap in this way, without the rest of the world knowing my innermost thoughts and feelings. But then I think of all the inspiration I get from other peoples blogs and I want to be able to give some of that back, so stopping the blog doesn't work for me. Perhaps I should change the style that I scrap in and not give so much of myself away? But then what purpose does scrapping serve? Then I just end up with albums and albums of photos of my son with not much journaling and nothing for me to look back on and say ‘Oh was I really thinking that? How silly!’ And so I've come to a decision. I will continue to scrap for myself, in a way that suits me and I will continue to share what I've done and why on my blog. I will get a thicker skin and try not to let the new found knowledge upset me anymore.


ScrappyDandyDoo said...

I'm so pleasedyou have decided against changing anything, why should you have to because of a jealous person.
Hope you get it all sorted soon,
J xx

voodoo vixen said...

I'm with you on the thicker skin Rebekah, its your blog, your scrapping and your life and nobody else has any right to dictate or snoop for their own purposes and pettiness. Go get a life of your own would be my comment!!

Tony said...

You are not a robot,you are a wonderful , amazing , talented woman with lots to say and scrap! Never stop being who you are !! for anyone else but yourself xxx