So this weekend saw the Monopoly cybercrop get underway. Sadly I was traipsing through the Oxfordshire countryside with a DofE group so was only able to join in on Friday night but there were a couple of things I got involved in before the CC got underway. The first was the precrop challenge 'Officer Mallory'. Fi said 'this challenge is to scrap your own 'Officer Mallory', that person that has either been a constant in you or your families life, or who has had a profound effect or brought about a huge change (for the better of course ).'

I decided to scrap a photo of my Nan. My family is something that I need to scrap more of, especially the old photos I have of them. Nan was seamstress to the queen and loved making fancy dress costumes for us and made wedding dresses for my four older cousins too. I was upset when Nan had a stroke that left her hands weaker and she wasn't able to make my dress too, but I think I did pretty well up until that point with a Victoria Plum, Queen of Hearts, Wonderwoman and various other fancy dress costumes. Nan was also a true matriarch. You could trust her to know everything about every member of our family. It was to her house that we went for big get togethers and events. She was def a constant in our lives. So my LO 'Queen of thimbles' is testament to all that.

I printed the photo of my Nan at 21 years old on to some white denim and was pleased with the result. I used cosmo cricket 'Material Girl' papers and the Bazzil In Stitch'z Template: Silly Stitches from
Indigo Mill. I didn't like how the stiching looked on the corrugated card though so I covered it with a second row of tape measure twill to cover it. Then it was a case of tearing, inking, rubbing on and stamping various things on to the page and adding embellishments and hey presto- a LO that I think really does my Nan justice.
I fell back on the pagemaps sketch that I loved for this one too.