Over half way through January already?? How does it happen? Well, I've been busy putting together projects for
Scrap365. They won't appear for a while though and I'll share some sneek peeks nearer the time. Did you get the latest edition this week? I just love
Lisa's little book for her sister.

And did you see the news from ScrapaGoGo? They've launched their new kit 'Essentially GoGo' from this month onwards and it's a stonkingly good deal at just £14.99 for all of this stash:
5 12x12 Quality Papers
3 12x12 Bazzill Cardstock
1 Alphabet
1 Bespoke Embellishment Pack
1 Exclusive Stamp
1 Sheet Exclusive Hybrids
1 Idea Booklet
PLUS access to the Clubhouse Forum where classes and ideas will be uploaded each and every month.... sounds great for £14.99 postage included doesn't it!!!
The first kits, 'Eclectic Me', left the warehouse yesterday and I'm really excited to find out what the members think of them and to see mine in real life too :)
Now, since I have the house to myself I better get scrapping!